
Destination moon

Autumn is usually the best time to see a gorgeous moon out my window. I was pleasantly surprised last night to find this when I took the dog out (really, Ezmond, you need to go out AGAIN?)

I forgave him. It was harder to forgive my daughter who used the camera and didn't charge it. I'm never pleased to hear the "I'm shutting down because I have no juice" noise. After 4 shots. Especially when I just charged the darn thing.

But the moon was pretty, the dog played happily in the moonlight and life was peaceful for a few moments. I'm grateful for that.


  1. Peaceful in whatever amount is always good. :-)

  2. Some of my favorite times of the day are when it's just me and Tonka out in the Dog Majal under a big fat moon. Sometimes that's the only place I can hear myself think.

    Awesome shot by the way!
