
In the tank

Math time.

6 weeks

840 hours worked

The occasional stop to sleep


Dog walking

2 major illnesses

Rescue of 2 family members from impending doom

A move across the city

A $350 water bill

Way too much wine sipped alone


Sudden "all-stop"

I find myself wandering the house aimlessly

Uninspired to do anything.

Sleep, football and baking cookies are the most taxing things I can fathom.

An hour with my son, uninterrupted, is bliss.

Giggling with my daughter over bad tv.

I missed sending Christmas cards, gifts, emails, psychic messages to so many people

And yet, here I am, sitting here wondering where THEY went

those who complain loudly about my absence

as this 6 weeks of hell progressed.

*wake, bathe, eat, work, eat, sleep, repeat*

I was here all along, after all

Just not here the way they expected, I guess.

So, for the moment, I'm in my decompression chamber, alone,

trying to make sure the blood doesn't boil.

Tomorrow? Maybe I'll actually go to work for an hour.

Then a 6 hour lunch seems in order.

Followed by some serious goofing off.

Nitrogen Narcosis AND the bends avoided.

This time at least.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking and wondering, but looking in the wrong place.

    My bad. But now I know you're okay and where to find you so it's all good again.

    Big New Year's hug for ya kiddo.
